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Why I chose to be an authorized vendor for Austin air Purifiers.

Hi! I'm Jerry and I have spent 36 years in the interior remodeling industry.

I have inhaled more dust and pollutants than I care to admit! Even with a dust mask on, I have worked around moldy walls, ceilings, and showers for years. I have subjected myself to lead paints from working on homes there were built in the early 1900s and insulation particles. The truth is, millions of homeowners are subjecting themselves to all of the same hazardous dust, cleaning chemicals, viruses, molds, and pet dander, just to mention a few!


I want to make a difference in people’s lives.

I want families and children to be able to breathe healthy air even when there are harmful things in our homes that we don’t even know about or realize. Especially for people with allergies, breathing clean air is so important! 


Obviously, we cannot protect our families from all the variables in life . But for less than a $1000,  you can breathe clean air with a product manufactured by the only purifier recommended by the CDC FEMA - Clean air means better health. 

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Buffalo, NY




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